Virtual Health Hub/Telemedicine Service featured on iTV

The Virtual Health Hub and Telemedicine Service have recently been featured on iTV while tackling the topic about “NHS backlog hits record 7.7 million high sparking fears of ‘bleak’ winter”.

Million NHS Backlog

The Virtual Health Hub is composed of 3 services mainly the Telemedicine service, the Virtual Wards and the Clinical Communications Centre.

The Telemedicine Service is a telephone triage service that supports care homes, learning disability homes and nursing homes with the provision of a quick and simple advice for residents who have acute deteriorations. The service helps facilitate hospital admissions, transports and transfers if needed. It can offer prescriptions as appropriate, as well as have conversations with the General Practice, South Central Ambulance Service, or family members which can include supporting with end-of-life needs.

The Virtual Health Hub is composed of several different speciality wards that are supporting patients at home and remotely monitoring them to ensure that they are safe. It gives patients easier access to sound medical advice and likely promotes staying in residence while receiving the most appropriate care offered in the community and avoid unnecessary hospital admissions/attendance.

The Clinical Communications Centre supports with all the General Practice admissions coming into the trust and supports patients within the community, as well as supporting the practitioners in the community to ensure that they get safe medical advice and support with admissions.

These services are dedicated to ensure patients and residents receive the RIGHT CARE they need at the RIGHT PLACE and at the RIGHT TIME.

The number of people waiting for hospital treatments has hit another record time, ITV News Health and Science Correspondent Martin Stew reports from Basingstoke Hospital

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